Greenberg & Weiner (20140 reported on the validity of surveys when using for research. The findings suggested that when random sampling is used in combination with accurate data analysis, there is a benefit. McPeake, Bateson & O'Neill (2014) discussed the advantages of using electronic surveys over a paper form that might be mailed or handed out. Increases in the volume of data is easier to manage electronically, cost is decreased, and there tends to be less bias in an electronic survey.
Tong & Chow (2013) evaluated the importance of evaluation participation in electronic class and instructor surveys. When changes to curriculum occurred as a result of survey responses, students were more inclined to participate and complete surveys.
So put aside the pen and paper and use electronic surveying methods for your future survey needs!
Greenbery, M. R., & Weiner, M. D. (2014). Keeing surveys valid: Reliable and useful: A tutorial. Risk Analysis, An International Journal, 34(8), 1362-1375. doi: 10.1111/risa.12250.
McPeake, J., Bateson, M., & O'Neill, A. (2014). Electronic surveys: How to maximise success. Nurse Researcher, 21(3), 24-26.
Tong, V. H., & Chow, D. L. (2013). A study of student participation and nonparticipation in prelecture electronic suveys. British Journal Of Educational Technology, 44(5), 869-880.
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